How Do i pose?

“Today seriously broke down walls and filled voids in me that I can’t put into words. I just can not thank you enough for everything.” — Miss C

Boudoir photography is becoming increasingly popular, with more and more women of all shapes, sizes and ages opting to have intimate and sensual photos taken of themselves as a way to feel empowered and confident in their own skin. And for that we say - HELL YES! However, the idea of posing for such photos can be daunting, particularly for those who are not used to being in front of the camera. But with the right photographer guiding you with expert posing techniques and a few tips on how to feel confident and sexy, anyone can achieve stunning boudoir photos regardless of their body type or age.

Want some behind the scenes tips for posing during a boudoir session? Here are some tips on how to pose for boudoir photography and feel confident in your own skin:

1. Be comfortable with your body

The first step to feeling confident and sexy in boudoir photography is to be comfortable with your body. It's important to remember that boudoir photography is not about conforming to traditional beauty standards or fitting into a specific mold. It's about embracing your body and celebrating your unique features.

2. Accentuate your favorite features

One of the key aspects of posing for boudoir photography is to accentuate your favorite features. Whether it's your curves, your legs, or your eyes, there is always something about your body that you can highlight in the photos. This can be achieved through different posing techniques, such as arching your back, lifting your chin, making eye contact or leaning forward. Spend time before your session reflecting on what you love most about your body and revel in the power of that feature!

3. Practice posing

Posing is a skill that can be developed through practice. Take some time to experiment with different poses in front of a mirror or with a friend. Pay attention to your posture and how your body looks in different positions. Don’t just look at the shape of your body - look at the angles, the shadows, your fingertips and toes and even your lips. Sometimes making subtle differences in these areas can dramatically change an image and evoke a whole new feeling in the viewer. Practicing can help you identify your best angles and poses for the photo shoot and make you feel more relaxed and ready for the prompts!

4. Embrace your curves

Boudoir photography is all about embracing your curves and celebrating your body. Whether you're a plus-size woman or have a more athletic build, there are poses that can flatter your body type. For example, you can pose on your side to create a more curvaceous silhouette or cross your legs to accentuate your hips. All body types and ages are welcome in our studio and we work hard to personalize every session to make sure we capture YOU!

5. Be confident

The most important tip for posing for boudoir photography is to be confident. Confidence is sexy, and it will show in your photos. Remind yourself that you are beautiful and unique, and that your photos will capture that beauty and uniqueness. Don’t feel very confident?? Fake it til you make it honey! We will be here every step of the way to cheer you on and make you feel like the badass that you are!

Posing for boudoir photography can be a fun and empowering experience for anyone, regardless of their body type or age. Follow these tips and techniques and you can get stunning photos that celebrate your body and make you feel confident and sexy. Remember, boudoir photography is all about embracing your unique beauty and celebrating your individuality - finding a photographer who understands that is KEY. Want to know if we are a good fit?? Head to the main page and book your FREE CONSULTATION today. Our lead photographer and owner - Amanda - will give you a call and we promise you WON’T REGRET THIS!


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